If you love cats, you probably also are fascinated with the cheetah. The cheetah while a big cat is much different than both lions and tigers. It is a fierce predator; however its body is made purely for speed. The most well known cheetah fact is that a cheetah is the fastest land mammal usually able to reach speeds of 70 mph. What most don’t know is the many other cheetah facts that make this cat very exotic and fascinating.
The Cheetah and Speed
While it is a known cheetah fact that this cat reaches incredible speeds of 75 mph, did you know that the cheetah can accelerate to about 45 mph in about 3 steps. This is faster than even the most exotic sports cars. The Cheetah is an evolutionary masterpiece built totally for speed. From the sleek figure, to the extra large heart to pump blood through its veins, this cat was made to be a top predator.
The Cheetah’s Fur
While most cheetah facts are based on speed, many people into fashion know that the cheetah has always been a stylish pattern to wear as a coat, for your handbag, etc. While you may think a cheetah’s fur is soft and smooth like your pet cats, you should know it is actually the opposite- coarse and wiry. For more cheetah facts, please visit the article at the Smithsonian Magazine. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/
Quincy Jones, Forbidden City, Tattoo Art, Diane Arbus, Cheetah Facts, National Archives
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